Magnepan vs Martin Logan

Which ones are better in general terms and why? Thanks in advance for your comments. Joel

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I agree with Beemer--it's not an easy call. I have listened to Maggie's and own Martin Logans. The placement is critical on the MLs--there are several threads on this topic. Once it's right--it, in my opinion, is hard to beat. As to the cross-over, it depends on which speaker. I own the Monoliths and the cross-over point is at 125Hz (it's also active). At that low a frequency it is very difficult to detect, but some of the other MLs have higher cross-over frequencies. The room and the placement also have a tremendous effect on how discernable the dynamic driver is compared to the panel (again, see the threads that discuss bass and treble integration and speaker placement for MLs). Neither of these speakers will reproduce large scale dynamics like the Infinity or most other dynamic speakers--that's not to say they won't play loudly with the right electronics--they will--but not with the same punch (dynamics). Good luck--and if you can listen to these and decide which is right for you.