Magnepan Unitrac+Denon 103 to need a turntable

I have been keeping some elements from my first systems and would like to put them to work...
A Magnepan Unitrac and a Denon 103(vdh) are ready to be installed in a turntable and would really appreciate any recommendation. I used to have a Oracle MK? but, at least at that time, it was a hell to be adjusted.
Many thanks in advance
Regards, dgd

Showing 1 response by franks

Not to rain on anyone's parade, but have you listened to the unitrac and the denon. On paper it's not a good match. I was an original unitrac owner around 1980 and the arm works best with high compliance cartridges(the denon is a low compliance cartridge). I used mine with a grado moving magnet as well as a sumiko bluenote, both high compliance cartridges.