Magnepan..the sun rises and sets on..or does it??

I'm updating my old but good pair of Kef 104.2 speakers.
There is certainly alot of hype ,out there ,for the Magnepan speakers..1.6QR especially.
I'm very isolated so to hear a pair of Magnepans is almost impossible.
Are they that good?
Should I be buying shares in the company?
Any suggestions or opinions would be greatly appreciated.
My system..Blue Circle 3.1 pre.4B ST amp..etc.etc.

Showing 1 response by philjolet

I think they live up to the hype but, you need to place them well out in the room and you need a lot of power, 100 watts is the starting point and 300 to 500 watts with lots of current is what they really need to come alive.

It gets expensive to run them, money that could be spent on better speakers if you do not miss the planer sound. I think this is the most important thing to consider.

Bottom line is that I feel my system (with 1.6's) sounds as good as my friends system that has $5000 B&W 803 speakers, so yes I think they live up to the hype.