Magnepan positioning

I've been looking at Maggies (online, not at a dealer, nobody around me has them), and I was wondering if it is possible to mount them on a wall. Building a bracket or stand to pull them about six inches off wouldn't be a problem for me, but I was just wondering what I lose by putting them up on the wall. The MC1s are intended for wall mounting, and I have a subwoofer (Infinity CSW-10) to take care of the bottom end. My room is small (15x10), so those giant obtrusive panels 4 feet into the room are slightly out of the question. Would this combo give me a better sound (mostly rock, jazz, classical) than floorstanders or monitors? If I built a bracket to pull them off the wall a bit, are there any construction guidelines I should follow? If you haven't noticed, I'm pretty much building my first decent system; right now I have an HK receiver, Infinity Alpha 50 towers, the previously mentioned sub, and the sub is the only thing I'm happy with. Thanks!

Showing 1 response by eldartford

Six inches won't do the job, even if you put sound absorbing foam behind them. However, they are real easy to pull out a few feet when listening seriously. For background leave them next to the wall. The feet (of the Maggies) will keep them out about one foot.