Magnepan Mods

It appears that they are using upgraded crossovers. I guess I'm confused as to why Magnepan wouldn't offer these upgrades themselves. It's super inefficient to pay for shipping both ways, have someone rebuild it, and then wait a few months to get it back...hopefully with no shipping damage. If Magnepan isn't maximizing their products, it seems like a competitor could make a me too product with a better crossover and a nicer stand option. Am I missing something?  

Showing 1 response by ozymandias_

I purchased a pair of Maggie IIA's They need a lot of work. Wire has delaminated from Mylar and needs to be replaced.

Fundamental question with this old Model, is it even worth the time and effort ... ?? If I had the wires replaced I would be looking at a custom frame for them as well.