Magnepan MMG's just arrived

I took advantage of Magnepan's 60-day trial offer on a new
pair of MMG's ($550 plus shipping) and am, so far, impressed with what I'm hearing! I'm using my old faithful
Mesa Baron Tigris integrated tube amp and an NHT SW-3 sub.
Any MMG owners out there with an opinion of how long it takes to break these in? What amps are you guys using?
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Showing 2 responses by eldartford

Jafox...If you are still searching for an "affordable" high powered amp to suit Maggies, try the CarverPro ZR1600 digital amp. Don't laugh! For about $840 you can find what you are looking for.
Of course 100 watts is "enough". They will sound great. my experience, each increase in power has made an improvement. I can drive my MG1.6 with 100, 200, 350, 450, or 600 watt amps (4 ohms). Clearly the best results are the with the 600 watt amp, which is a CarverPro ZR1600 digital amp, which cost less than all the others except the 100 watt Adcom.

But, But... if I had never heard them with anything but the 100 watt amp, I would still find them excellent.