My guess is that the tweeter's ribbon conductor is so small, that it can't handle the high current. Therefore, it may not just be clipping that's causing the fuses to blow, or the tweeter to burn out, it could be just a very loud signal that could be free from clipping. My MMG's have the "quasi ribbon", and it's likely that its larger/heavier conductor handles more current than the "true ribbon" of the 3.6, since I've driven my KAV 250a to clipping with these smallest of Maggies (that could be close to 600 wpc into 4 ohms), with the fuses removed and bypassed with silver wire, and never had any problems with the tweeters. That said, I am also using only a 15 amp breaker, so my amp isn't able to develop full current. In any case, it's still around 500 to 600 wpc into 4 ohms, before clipping. The ribbon tweeter in your speaker is known to have the smallest moving mass per unit area, of ANY tweeter in the world, and it could be that the small area where the ribbon conductor connects to the lead in wire, just cannot dissipate the heat well enough, when driven at very high power. Turning the volume down some isn't a bad idea at all.
Magnepan MG3.6rs and tweeter fuse blowin
I'm having trouble with my Magnepans. I keep blowing tweeter fuses. I've used a variety of amplifiers (Classe Cam 350, Bryston 4B St, and biamped Acoustats TNT 200s and on certain CDs like The Eagles When Hell Freezes Over Hotel California, the applause blows the tweeter fuses. I've even had to replace a ribbon tweeter. Does anyone know the cause or cure? Is this a design flaw? Just when everything is sounding great and the volume is just right where you want it, out go the tweeter fuses. Magnepan advizes that this happens with underpowered or overpowered amps on certain CDs!
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