Magnepan LRS+ which amps do you use ? * 100 watts or less **

I have a pair coming in this week and wondering if any folks are having good results with 100watt or less amps 

i have a Rogue  Cronos mag that's about 100 watts , also an Exsposure 2510 that's about 110 into 4 ohms 

do you really need hundreds of watts to enjoy these speakers ?


Showing 4 responses by jjss49

I purchased the Kinki Studio EX-M1 Integrated Amplifier to drive the speakers. Additionally, I upgraded the amplifier with Stacatto opamps and removed the stock ampliers feet and replaced them with Eden Sound Bear Paw Sr. Radius brass footers

the kinki is an excellent, high value, high performance amp ...  very very good with maggies, with a very pure, clean sound, effortless dynamics and tremendous grip, sound slightly on the yin side of neutral

i put sparkos op amps in mine, a very nice (and easy) mod

klaus' odyssey amps are a wonderful high value amplification choice for maggies

just what the speakers need to shine without breaking the bank

in another recent thread about this subject i posted an extensive list of terrific amplification options for maggies

the search bar above is your friend

there have been several recent, well populated threads on amplification for lil maggies in the last few months

search, and i promise you will find