Magnepan lover, which one do you choose?

I have a chance to buy either a pair of used Maggies 2.6r(12yrs old 8/10 condition) and used 1.6QR(2 years old 9/10 condition) as they are the same price or bit cheaper for the 2.6. I still prefer 2.6R because the ribbon. These are the only two models that could fit my room. They have the same power input and output, just different frequency, the 2.6 (37hz-40khz), 1.6 (40hz-24khz). What do you think? Which one is better in sound and sonic?

Thanks for your help.

Showing 1 response by mrtennis

keep the IIIA and spend your money on other equipment or cds or lps. i own a 1.6 and my friend owns mg iii.

the newer models may be more "articulate" but so what ?