Magnepan Directionality/Off Axis

Hello-I am a decided rookie here-I have a pair of Maggie .7i with a new Bluesound 2i, a Michi P3 Preamp and Pass Lab X250.8-the room is about 25 by 15 feet-

I had KEF104/2 before which I love, and I love the Mags too-one bit of disappointment is how directional they are-if I get up from the "equilateral triangle" spot-the articulation and clairity just vanishes--even standing up changes the sound drastically, let alone moving around the room-would 3.7i fix this-one thing about the KEFs was they sounded great whevever you were, sitting/standing/moving in the room--what other speakers in the rough price range (between 2-10K) could make the grade-I do love the maggies, I just wished the extreme dependence on the location of my ears didn't make such a big difference-thanks for your help-


I am admittedly coming "up to speed" with the placement dependence of this speakers- I moved them from tweeters on the inside to tweeters on the outside and separated them by an additional 18inches, it made a huge difference. How can such a small change (tweeters inside, tweeters outside) make such a big change?

thanks again for your help-

What about philharmonia towers or revel ultimata2?

any idea how they would compare to the transparency of Maggie’s?