Magnepan .7 speakers and Sound Anchor stands

Maggie .7 and Sound Anchor Stands

The Sound Anchor stands were installed in the lowest position on the Maggie .7s (not quite 7" off the floor) with the spikes and sound coasters.

Installation was easy. No modifications were necessary. Uses existing mounting threads and came complete with all hardware.

The paint finish (color and texture) is an exact match for the Maggie black aluminum side trim.

The speakers are more stable than before, and even easier to move than with the original stands (don't have to be concerned about rubbing or damaging the fabric sock on the floor when moving).

The sound:
I found an immediate improvement in focus (the Maggies sound less diffused), more space around instruments and a subtle refinement in micro details.

There is also an attenuation in the bass.
To validate what I was hearing, I measured frequencies 1khz down through 25hz.
Frequencies 63hz, 50hz, and 40hz were each down almost 3db.

My Rel sub woofer was placed back into the system. It required a slight increase in crossover and volume and overall, produced the same measured results as previously achieved with the original speaker stands.

The sub integrates better with the Sound Anchor stands (more seamless, cleaner, and richer sound).

I prefer some music with the sub and some without, just like the original stands.

The Sound Anchor stands have refined the overall system sound and is definitely adding to my listening enjoyment.


Showing 1 response by hodie

I don't see a stand specifically for the .7s on Sound Anchor's website. Did you order the ones for the MMG, which I presume would fit the mounting holes of the .7?