Magnepan 3.7i/3.6 owners- Free prototype development

Would like to dialog with a few owners of the 3.7/3.6 who might want to be a part of the R&D of an all new Magna Riser "Magna Trac" stand that uses all new geometry unlike anything on the market. It may have stealthy tall vertical rear supports that are almost invisible and the inclusion of optional "decouplers" based upon about a years worth of testing. It offers a sleek stylish look. Magna Risers are cost effective high performance limited edition stands that have undergone dozens of prototypes, extensive R&D and hundreds of hours of comparative listening sessions. The goal is to allow your Maggie to more fully realize their inherent potential. With hundreds in satisfied customers homes we are looking to apply what we have learned in our 1.7 series designs to the 3.7i series. If you are possibly interested in being part of the development process please let me know. I would prefer to only work with owners here in the US and preferably near the Northeast Ohio area where tweaks and adjustments can be easily made. This is all no cost. Details about what is entailed for any interested party are available. We may also be simultaneously testing our Magna Lifts and another easy to install modification for the original stands for those who are interested in sonic upgrades but want to keep their current factory stands. Again this would be at no charge.

Showing 1 response by johnk

Was just at the local dealer I am a former maggie owner was checking out new models and honestly no way I could own a pair they rock so poorly on the weak stands. I had a pair of 1.7 last and was so worried about dogs kids life wind knocking them over I pulled out in room for ea listen and returned to safer location after.