Magnepan 3.7

Looks nice, link below.

“the 3.7 is a 3-way, full-range ribbon speaker with a very ‘fast’ quasi-ribbon midrange and true ribbon tweeter.”

"The 3.7 is available in new aluminum trim or our traditional wood trims of oak and cherry. Fabric options are off-white, black and dark gray. Suggested list pricing starts at $5495/pair for aluminum or oak versions, or $5895/pair for the dark cherry versions."

Magnepan 3.7

Showing 2 responses by clavil

Hi Bimmer 8

I own also a pair of Renaissance 90 and I agree on almost all the points with you. But I was shocked the day I heard the Magnepan 1,7 by a dealer with my Cds and almost the same set-up I have home for the Infinitys. The 1,7 are without any doubt much more resolving, I could for example hear the space in which the recording sessions of my Cds had taken place ...

I am an great Infinity "lover" and admirer of what Arnie Nudell achieved .
I still have a couple of Renaissance 90 which sounds beautifully, but I had occasion to compare them (on same electronic, cables with my Cds) to the Magnepan 1,7

... the resolution in middle & high frequencies of the Magnepan 1,7 (yes the little one) goes far beyond the resolution of my Renaissance 90 ... this is simply a fact !

I must confess I was very surprised, is it because the surface of Magnepan's membrane is far larger that the Emit & Emim of the Renaissance ?

That being said, it's a real pity Arnie Nudell stopped developing speakers. He was some kind of a genius.