Magnepan 3.6R vs. 2.7QR

I am thinking of upgrading my 2.7QR to a pair of 3.6Rs.
Are the sonic benefits of the 3.6Rs worth the close to $2000+ difference between both (used) models?

Has anyone ever compared or owned Magnepans 3.6R vs. 2.7QR side to side?
Hi Neal.
Thanks for your post.
I would appreciate if you could post Schneider's website.
Nealhood- What is your experience with modified 3.6's? Judging the fact your considering upgrading to them you have NO experience with them and are making very uneducated assumptions on the level of improvements from modifications. Look inside, see what magnepan supplies for components, in stock form you are keeping yourself trapped in the smallest possible space- and yes that is from my real world experience with modified 3.6's in quite a few different configurations.
I must add that i did upgrade the inductors on my 2.7QRs after seeing the cheap factory inductors that came with the speakers (basically wire spools of copper wire)
and it made a difference in the sound, particularly in the bass.
On the other hand i am skeptic about anyone being able to hear any difference between the steel vs. Copper jumpers in a double blind ABX test..