Magnepan 3.6R biamp crossover

What's the deal with the crossover to Biamp? Do I have to get it from my dealer? Don't even know the local dealer!! Does anyone do this with an active crossover, and if so, which one??

Hello Rooze,
I have a pair of XO-1's that came with my 3.5R's. Now I want to Bi-Amp.
I saw your post. I'm not sure how to go here ... do I just follow the diagram on the Xo-1 box, because I've seen a post that show's an alternate way to use these crossovers. Also I have an active John Curl crossover that I could use also.
My two AR amps are 76 & 100 wpc. So what do you think...?
I used to live off SPAM when I lived in Hawaii. still love it...
Tell me does this email go to your normal email or stays in AUDIGON world.
Ron Glaze
Another option is to find a used Magnepan XO1 crossover. That will allow you to biamp with amps that are not gain matched, and also bipass the caps/inductors for the LF. They go for about $100, though they're pretty rare.

I have one sitting around doing nothing, if I could remember where I saw it last....
Dear Macdad: I don't know which kind of improvement you are looking for.

If you are looking for a better quality music reproduction, I think that with a second DD-12 running in true stereo way with your Maggies you could have a great system.

Please take a look at this link:

Regards and enjoy the music.
I would definately go with an active crossove. No matter what parts you upgrade your passive one with, it won't likely match an active one. I would look for the Marchand, Behringer, DBX DriveRack?, or others. Start with two amps (1 on mid/tweeter, 1 for the bass) If you feel adventerous, you can eventually tri-amp.
Uhm, you have two choices and based upon the question, only one that your likely to want to try.

1) Add matched amps, and put one on the mid/tweet, and the other on the bass. You can go un-matched if you have volume pots on the amp.

2) Wire direct to the drivers. Then using an electronic, active, crossover, and two/three amps. Go directly to each driver. This requires minor electronic skills and will void your warranty.
