Magnepan 3.6 or 3.7

I have a chance to buy mint 3.6s for $2,000 or mint 3.7s (not "i") with mye stands for $3500.  Both cherry wood.  I currently own 1.6s.  Please weigh in.

Thanks in advance.
I love my 3.5s.  I loved my SMGas, .6s, 12s and 2.7s, but wouldn’t go back. I believe with Maggies, every generation brings improvements.  Get the newest you are comfortable purchasing.  
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Thanks everyone for your feedback.  I've decided on the 3.7s, based on your responses.  I live in Iowa so it's easy for me to drive them up to the factory for the upgrade should I choose do do so.

Once again, thanks!
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I have never heard of 3.6's delaminating.

The adhesive was changed in June of 1987 on the IIIa and  the issue put to bed

But if you put the Magnepan's  in a sunny room, or play at over 100 dB all bets are off.