Magnepan 1.7 i - Amp suggestions

Dear Amigos !

Once again thank you for all your Help last time helping me to decide on some Speakers ! Very valuable !

I finally did get the Magnepan´s 1.7. With the kind help from Peru´s Magnepan Distributor I had them built at the Magnepan Factory and shipped directly to Santiago, CHILE.

They are sitting in my music room !!

Now I need to put them into working status...very eager !

Could you please help me with some Amp alternatives ? to drive them .

Thank you in advance,

Best regards,


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I have the Magnepan LSRs and am v. happy with my 2 Schiit Vidar monoblocks and Freya tube preamp.  I have not had any problems with overheating as kingbarbuda mentioned.  Used Brystons can be found sometimes within your budget, and those are highly regarded, as mentioned.  Also, Paul at PS Audio believes that their D-amp would be "enough" for Maggies.  No personal experience there. 
Anything tube. I have the 1.7i and I drive them with a 100amp ARC amp. And have no issues. I use a Goldenear sub and I love the sound. But like all high end audio it doesn’t lie. Bad recordings sound bad and great recordings sound great. 

Keep listening
Agree that you should avoid anything Class D unless you can audition it first. None are good enough to gamble on anyway. The best ones merely match a decent class AB amp. 

The Halo Integrated is a decent match for the 1.7s but a Yamaha A-S2100 would be better. It produces less RMS wattage but has a much larger power supply, which is what really matters when it comes to Maggies. The same reason  why the poster above got better results with a Prima Luna over the Rogue Pharaoh - it's all about the power supply.