Magico vs the world

Everywhere I look I only see people (end users and professional reviewers) raving about magico. Build quality, incredible sound, etc... everyone just loves them, especially the modern series, A3, M series, S series (mk2 variant). It is impressive for sure. But I am curious, what speakers have you heard that you compared to magico that you like as much or maybe even better?

Showing 1 response by sbonamo

There is no one best manufacturer or best speaker, it's completely subjective. Also, so much depends on the amp(s), preamp and source when demoing. 


All that said, a few years back when looking for my next speaker the top of my list included Magico S3, Evolution Acoustics MM3, Vandersteen 7 and Vivid Audio Giya G2. After extensive listening I purchased the Vivids. I could have likely lived happily with the Vandersteens also. Some months later I had the opportunity to hear the Magico M3s and they are very, very good. They might just be my next speaker.