Magico vs the world

Everywhere I look I only see people (end users and professional reviewers) raving about magico. Build quality, incredible sound, etc... everyone just loves them, especially the modern series, A3, M series, S series (mk2 variant). It is impressive for sure. But I am curious, what speakers have you heard that you compared to magico that you like as much or maybe even better?

Showing 6 responses by dznutz

Easy question... Wilson Benesch Eminence

But just to bring some here back to reality, there is no such thing as out perform, as that is completely subjective.  There is no 1, 2 or even 100 right answers.  And yet, they could all be right.
In the simplest of ways... everything that has received a similar amount of design and engineering time can compete and potentially “out perform” them.

I, too, have not heard a Magico that I liked... and Ive owned 3 of them. So in my mind and experience, far less expensive speakers out perform Magico.
if you do not like Magico, why did you buy 3 different pairs? Are you a mashocist or something? I would have quit after the first pair. Money to burn? I am really interested in knowing why.

Because I fell into the trap that many do with well reviewed and marketed speakers. Im simply one of those who is willing to spend his own money to actually buy something and try it out in his own home. Very few are willing to do that.

First pair I bought in 2015... couldn’t make them work for me. In 2018, I thought I would try again with their latest release. Still not working for me. Then I had an opportunity to practically steal a pair of their higher end models in 2019... couldn’t go wrong so I tried it. 3 strikes and youre out for me.  They could be the right speaker for you... they weren't for me.
If I was trying to convince some one of something then sure, but I'm not.  If you own Magico and you are happy then great.
To me, they're not worth it.  I would not recommend them.  But if it tickles some ones fancy and they want to own them then go right ahead.  It may be the best to them.
Aren’t the Alexia 2 right around 60K? If so, I would certainly hope that they can do something better than a pair of 15k and 22k speakers.

The Yamahas are incredibly transparent, if you feel youre lacking anything try out some better up stream components.