Magico speakers too clinical and fatiguing?

A while back I was very enthusiastic about these speakers. They look nice and supposedly supposed to sound very nice. I’ve heard them a few times and the level of precision and accuracy is very good. But is there too much science going on to create the speakers that makes them at times a little uncomfortable to listen to for more than a few minutes.

Are modern age speakers going nuts with all the science?


Showing 2 responses by tdudnyk

With Magico, you don't listen to the speaker per se. They are so accurate and neutral, you listen straight through to the electronics. I heard a 25K A5 powered by a 100K amp/preamp/DAC rig (Essence amp + pre, Rossini Apex and Clock) and literally thought the singer was singing directly to me. I could not believe what I was hearing in a 25K speaker! The only knock on them is that they are made for dedicated listening rooms which few of us have. I say that because they are just too ugly/commercial looking to place in a living room. For this, I (and may wife) lean to Estelons and VIVID Giyas, but looks are subjective. 


that is not what I meant. The A5 is insanely cheap for the performance it provides. But it needs very very expensive upstream gear to get there. The A5 sounded way better than a 125k speaker I auditioned earlier in the day from another dealer. I was always trained that you spend the of your budget on speakers. With Magico, that is reversed. You spend the bulk of your budget on electronics. Too bad they are too industrial looking to put in a living room environment.