One thing to consider....I think running the Bricasti directly into your 350.5 is going to be superior to the level of pre-amp you are looking at. Bricasti volume control is very, very good. Consider putting your pre-amp money on the speakers for now.
Sit tight a little while on the Magico MK II price....go take a nap and there will be MK III.
One other speaker to consider since you mentioned Revel would be the Salon 2. Buying used, you're getting a whole lot for your money plus it would have excellent synergy with Pass and Bricasti.
Sit tight a little while on the Magico MK II price....go take a nap and there will be MK III.
One other speaker to consider since you mentioned Revel would be the Salon 2. Buying used, you're getting a whole lot for your money plus it would have excellent synergy with Pass and Bricasti.