Magico S5 vs KEF Blade 2 vs TAD Evo One vs YG Kipod II Sig w/pwr bass

Opinions please. All are Used and are the same very good price but The Y&G are $4000 less which is nice.

KEF Blade 2

TAD Evolution One

Y&G Kipod II Signature w/Pwr Bass module

Magico S5

Would love your thoughts any thoughts on any please! Being all used and in good shape these are all within $500 of each other used price but Y&G and those had highest list but know to be good used deals because they are pretty serious speakers.

I think as far as used speakers in the great value - now less than 1/2 price but still new enough to provide great performance these are some different but pretty serious speakers. Please any and all feedback totally welcomed and is super helpful 

Source: Bricasti M1SE DAC 

Preamp: Parasound JC2 Pre

Amp: Pass Labs X350.5 Amp

IC: Darwin TRUTH Balanced

SC: HiDiamond D8 w/Furutech

PC: HiDiammond P3 (7)

AC: HiDiamond HDX2 

Transport: microRendu 1.4 and full suite of UpTone Audio Premium Power Supplies (2)x LPS-1 and (1) JS-2 LPS - (2) Regens - ISO and Amber and custom Canare DC cables for all / Tellarium Q Black Diamond USB cable and Curious Regen Link

Room is 12 x 23 w/Cathedral Ceilings - 15 Foot a peak 

Music: Assorted Music no metal or loud hard rock anymore really - not much Large Scale classical either but everything else.

Likes: Transparency- Delicate-linear-Dynamic-Fast - high resolution-microscope but not sterile not etched or lifeless - I know there is a fine Line here but I'm looking to walk it and come out on the right side - but real see through into the music - transparent to the source because I love my DAC - there more everything else sound more like my DAC the closer I'm getting to where I want to go as close as possible - image and sound stage lover - tight bass - hate flab - like speed and transparency as my selection choices might speak to

Coming from: Rethm Saadhana V3 speakers which I love and are incredible but want to try something else. 

Love any feedback about matching or equipment matching or one or multiple of these - what you heard at shows or whatever. Love more Info on these.

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Showing 1 response by ddafoe

Been thinking my Pass Labs X350.5 might match up nice with the reasonably used priced BAT VK50SE which seems to go for around $3k used. I say this pre because I know it is a pretty dynamic and neutral pre for tubes but it's tubes. Think that might be a good match for the money?

I have my 250.8 matched with a Simaudio 740p and the two together are amazing.  I've never heard the 350.5 but based on the forum here I've heard a few folks say the .5 is a little more warm/tube-like in the mid-range where the .8 is a little more detailed. 

I didn't find the 740p added any forwardness to my 250.8 (with my Magico S1s) but the imaging and depth of the music exploded.   I was skeptical to pay a lot on a preamp after driving a Berklee Dac 2 direct into the 250.8, but I found the sound a bit analytical and a little flat with the Dac direct.  The 740p ended up giving me the largest overall gain to my system of any component I've added lately; I was amazed a good preamp could make that much difference.   The S1s make any up-stream change very noticeable, for good or for bad. 

I would imagine the already lovely midrange on the 350.5 would only sound better with a VERY neutral SS preamp like the 740p or something similar.   I've never heard the S5s but assuming they are no more forward or analytical than the same generation S1 I have, I think 350.5+740p or something similar (Pass XP-20 maybe) + S5 in a large room like yours would be amazing....  Cheers