Magico's M9

I know everyone is sick of hearing about this, but $750K for a pair of speakers? I suppose I'd have to upgrade my flea watt amp too.


I think there are other products with unreasonable prices, Magico isn't one of them. E.g. Linn's anniversary BS design turntable

I’m with you Mike I’d love to hear the M9’s as well. Hopefully at some point I will. I own the Magico Q7 II and bought them used on this site. The speakers have brought  my listening and enjoyment of music up to a much higher level. I just can’t imagine what the M9’s would do. My Magico’s may not be as pretty as some of the other  speakers I have had but boy do they sound good. I don’t think I could ever rationalize buying the M9’s but I hope someday Magico comes out with speakers in between mine and the M9’s. Then just maybe…….

People can debate “pretty” (some people think SF are pretty, I think they look like a fancy coffin). The Magico beauty is first and foremost in its built quality and materials. It is second to none. Just like a Leica or Porsche.


@deep_333   AND  !!! Your point being, I for one have definitely seen worse looking speakers and I am sad I have not heard the M9s .