Magico's M9

I know everyone is sick of hearing about this, but $750K for a pair of speakers? I suppose I'd have to upgrade my flea watt amp too.


Showing 6 responses by henry201

People can debate “pretty” (some people think SF are pretty, I think they look like a fancy coffin). The Magico beauty is first and foremost in its built quality and materials. It is second to none. Just like a Leica or Porsche.


LOL. Just go back and look at some of deep33 posts. He “had” any speaker on the planet (and just added Magico to the list). Tekton are among the best. Probably written from his mother basement ;)

Will be so sorry to see you go, dude... Your contribution was priceless. Will rush to check out some "Japanese magic", I am sure no one here ever heard a Luxman or Yamaha receiver, wow!