Magico Customer service

Is it considered to be good to include second hand speakers? Service provided on out of warranty products says a lot about a company. Thanks for any opinions.

Showing 7 responses by kenjit

They are nothing more than metal cabinets with drivers in 'em as far as i know. Its mostly marketing. You could build a brick enclosure for a fraction of their cost.
In terms of customer service I have some horrible news for you. Magico did not answer my emails whatsoever. So i have zero respect for magico. Mr Magico if you are reading this i dare you to answer my emails!
Their drivers are not the best. There is no evidence of that.

You could use a scanspeak illuminator and get good sound too. There is only so much you can do to improve a driver. What could possibly make a magico driver so much better than the scanspeaks?
A speaker is just a box plus drivers. So why not buy high end drivers, make a solid box and save yourself $50k instead of buying a magico? 
When I imagine Kenjit I imagine a large person on a mattress without sheets, with an i-phone 4 with iems, staring at a blank tv screen with its programming service disconnected, typing furiously, elderly mom downstairs screaming to ask him to take out the garbage.
Well you are wrong. 

Kenjit you know NOTHING.What speakers do you have that are so GREAT??
you are missing the point. The point is, all speakers are not that different from one another. magico, kef, ATC, b&w, etc all the same. 

The only big difference is in the price. This misleads you into thinking there is a big difference in performance but you are wrong. I have heard high end speakers like b&w formation duo. You have never heard them have you EBM?
perhaps you were never answered because they observed your posts here and realized you have nothing important to contribute and really know nothing about speakers and high end audio.  I’m still waiting for you to post pictures of your system so we can all LEARN from you
you dont LEARN by looking at pictures of peoples systems. You learn by building your own speakers. Pictures look nice but they dont tell you much. 

Now somebody needs to email or call Magico and tell them that Master Kenjit has emailed more than once and never received a reply. It would be interesting to see what they have to say.

Magicos are not cheap. Audiophiles have a right to be shown EVIDENCE that they are high quality. Mr.Alon Wolf I challenge you right now!
Why cant they charge 10,000 dollars? They can charge whatever they like. Its unregulated dont forget! They could do a woofer for a million bucks and most audiophiles would never object.