Magico Comparison

I noticed that there is currently for sale a pair of Q3's for $23k and a pair of M5's for sale for $22.8. That is quite a discount from list on the M5's which retailed for $89k and a reasonable reduction on the Q3 list of $37k. Has anyone listened to both of these speakers? I think the Q3 sounds really great but I also have been very satisfied with my used V3s. It will be interesting to see if the tremendous depreciation that marked the previous generation of Magicos (Mini I and II, V2, V3 and particularly M5) occurs with this new generation of CNC machined enclosure units.

Showing 1 response by larryi

There are other high-tech, exotic material, speakers aside from Magico and they sound completely different. If modern technology has "objectively" improved speaker design there should be a convergence in the sound of such speakers. But, just listen for yourself and you will find that YG Acoustic, Magico, Vivid, etc. do NOT sound the same.

We have a wide range of products in the market not entirely because the consumer is stupid and easily duped by hype, but, at least in part, because tastes differ, and priorities in sound reproduction differ. Even though scientific research has correlated subjective preference with specific measurement in speaker design (e.g., Floyd Toole and the Research Council in Canada), that remains a crude measure of what the majority like--designs based on this research vary widely, and certain people (myself included) simply don't like the sound of designs based on those principles. Why do people buy such a wide range of different ornamental plants and flowers--shouldn't they just buy the one objectively superior variety?