Magico A3 to A5

Folks, I had lived with the Magico A3s for a year or so, and I am swapping them to A5s in the next couple of weeks. Put the purchase order yesterday. Could anyone post their experience with the A5s either in possession or listening at some venue. I couldn't bring them home for audition as they are 180lbs. But at the dealer they sounded real nice driven with the T+A 3100HV.. And I have the same setup at home.. I am hoping I made the right decision moving from A3 to A5


Showing 1 response by jmeyers

I own a pair of A5s. They are very good speakers but accompanied by a couple of caveats. First, despite employing three 9” woofers (and driven by 600 watt mono amps), they are really bass deficient. One, or better, two subwoofers are a necessity. The two SVS SB17 I use are good complements. Second, you are only getting what you are paying pay for. These are not $50K/pair speakers. I recently compared the A5s recently (same equipment essentially and same playlist) with Wilson Sasha Vs. The A5s lack of sonic refinement and absence of deeper bass is immediately apparent.