Magico - a new Mini?

I was looking at their website to read the reviews and noticed that they don't list the Mini 2 in the Product section. They do list a new Q3 model.
Does anyone know if their is a new Mini replacement coming out?

Showing 7 responses by sirspeedy

I gotta say that to my way of viewing things there could never be a "new" Mini....That speaker was a classic,in the best sense.

I realize this is only one man's opinion,but aside from down right superb performance,it had a lovely aesthetic to it as well.That cabinet was expensive to mfgr,and I'd bet the economy and munfacturing conditions/costs came into play,to bring this model to an end....Unless your room is the size of Yankee Stadium I'd venture the guess that the Mini will do justice to about any kind of music.

The only caveat was it was a bit of a tough load,which necessitated a big(ish) amp,power wise.Other than that,does one "really" need a better speaker?

A "true" classic!!
Well,I think we are in a time where many folks are beginning to appreciate those products(not only in audio)that appear to stand the test of time(think Leica Rangefinder cameras etc).
Personally,I love seeing the audio systems of savvy hobbyists,in the vintage/retro arena.You see more and more retro systems anchored by stuff like re-worked Garrard,Lenco etc.

I've heard a boat load of systems over the years,and much has been put together by aging baby boomers,who knew a thing or two about sound.....I am NOT saying new stuff isn't wonderful too,but in the case of products like the MINI(though certainly not retro or vintage as of yet)it is safe to say these are going to remain "vital transducers" for a LONG time....Newer product line or not....and...excuse me if I think they are beautiful objects too!

Btw,I don't own any Magico products.Just my 2 cents.
I must say that from my listening experiences and subsequent aid in setting up a past friend's Mini's,the lower registers were absolutely "amazing"(and this from a sealed box)!This, in a room of about 12.5x21 or so feet....I assume the partnering equipment,which was SOTA added to the great experience.....Still,though a small-ish and sealed enclosure,the speaker dug "deep" and with superb precision at any frequency asked for.They definitely sounded BIG!!...Orchestral music at high volume was a cinch for this set-up.

There was a small group of audiophiles who nit picked this set up,but I firmly believe it was more of a rationalization due to the design getting so much good press,than anything else.

Though my final point might seem inconsequential,I LOVED the "look" of the MINI much more than Magico's newer models(I realize this is just me)as it was supremely attractive!

Best to all
BTW,my previous post was more a testament to my own personal affection for the MINI's,rather than any negatives for my view of the newer models,which I am sure superb.....just not as nice on the eyes,imo -:)
At the time,the amp was a Rowland 8t,and a "highly" modded Audio Research SP-10(and I mean "modded to the max").The digital system was a Levinson 390s,with a modded SOTA Cosmos/Graham Phantom/Transfiguration Orpheus cartridge.All going through SOTA line conditioning/regeneration.Cabling was top flight too.

Btw,from all of the cd's and early pressing Mercury,Decca,EMI Lp's we played(often)there is NO doubt those speakers plunged to the low thirties in freq....."and with ease"!!We played many discs from the TAS list,that we knew went "deep"....and,that little speaker shook the room!

Not only did the epeaker go deep,but the bass "pitch definition" (something many audio fellas know little about)was fantastic!That sealed box was a big factor there,as to the actual perceived pitch accuracy.

That is one area where I wonder how good the much touted TAD Reference Monitor could be(even though I myself have hyped it),as it is "not" a sealed enclosure.Sure,deep/powerful bass,but how accurate,from a pitch perfect perspective?

I really think the Mini(yup,it was the Mini II,and I should have mentioned "that")was discontinued due to a combination of the cabinet costs and current economic situation as it would relate to actual sales.I believe that the cabinetry(gorgeous)was brought in from abroad.

Best to all
Btw,I mispoke....The Pre was an Audio Research "modded" SP-15...not an SP-10(though I used to own both)! Sorry!