Magic Eraser used for vinyl cleaning?

I bought just recently some LPS from thrifts and the Salvation army. Two that i have numerous copies clap hands here comes Charlie and Mercury living presence {stereo} Ballet for band were just trash items. I payed a buck each but still wishing they were next to mint would have been nice. I have been using the magic eraser for some time and love what it does for cartridge cleaning removing allot of micro grime. I was curious just tonight with using the eraser on vinyl.Using by placing enough firm pressure while the lp was revolving around while placing the eraser and running it around two rotations until complete.Then wiping off any left over grime and dust with a scotch bright performance cloth. listening before and after I must say the eraser has made a very huge difference with sound retrieval. Now thinking, that most lps would do very well with this type of treatment. I do not have a wet clean machine because of space constrictions.So this treatment while not as good as wet,does do a very good job and should be tried even if you wet threat. I hope many will try and please let us know what you think.

Showing 1 response by dan_ed

I feel the opposite. I'd steam before using an eraser on an LP. Besides, there is no way to be sure the fibers get into the grooves.