Magic Box by Mondial

Does anyone have this unit and use it to reduce ground loop noise form the cable TV? Are there any other inexpensive ground loop isolation devices you might recommend...
Yes. I induced a cable hum when I had cable music dircted to my stereo system. This occurred both with the digital output as well as the RCA. So.. I bought a Mondial Magic Box and connected it. Hum is gone! I can't tell you what is in it as mine is riveted shut. I can only guess that it contains some sort of groung loop isolation circuit. I works very well and I can recommend it highly. It's a very easy and effective way to deal with cable induced ground hum. Happy Listening, McFarland
The Magic is the best one I have used. They offer a version with a built-in splitter but I found too much signal loss for my taste, I use the single version. Jensen also makes an inline gound isolation transformer.