Maggies with Tubes?

Hey Guys,
For the last few years I have been enjoying a pair of 1975 KHorns as my main speakers but just sold them a couple of days ago.
Still have a pair of 1979 Cornwalls that I am currently driving with a Audio Space Galaxy 300 (300B in push pull, 21 wpc).
I stopped into a local shop and listened to a pair of 1.7s driven by a, I think Mac 252... and they sounded fantastic!

If I was to add a pair of 1.6s or even better a pair of 1.7s, would my Galaxy be able to drive the Maggies?

Keep in mind, I would not be expecting the output that I am use to with either of my Klipsch speakers, but I am hopeful that the Galaxy could drive both the Corns and Maggies.

Or, should I be looking at another amp (perhaps a KT88) that would be better suited to drive either of the 2 speaker systems?

Thanks in advance.

Showing 2 responses by onemug

Sebrof, good call.

It's no wonder that a "thread starter" can start out a little confused and end up a lot confused. "Absolutely can!! "Absolutely can't!!" Thing is, both can be right depending on the type of music and loudness they like to listen at.

We all get to have an opinion, that's why it's called a discussion forum. Quoting the OP: "I would not be expecting the output that I am use to with either of my Klipsch speakers," I'll add to my previous opinion/post that, besides low level listening, if his particular amp has a strong power supply and great transformers he should be happy.