Maggies to Tekton?

Hey Audiogon-ers.  I've only posted a few times, as I mostly enjoy reading the threads and comments.  I've been a 20+ year Maggie owner, and I currently have the 1.7s in my "new" (post divorce) house.  I'm a big Maggie fan, but lately I've been craving something different...something with oomph and excitement - a dynamic speaker that will get my mojo going on jazz and modern rock.  The Tekton line-up piques my interest, especially the affordable models - Mini Lore  and Lore Ref.  I mean, damn, for under a grand I can take the plunge.  Plus, they have a  60 day return policy!  My amp is the McIntosh MA 252, and I have a Sony HAP player for digital and Music Hall 'table for LPs. My questions:  For the extra money, is the Tekton Lore Reference the way to go?  Is there another affordable, high efficiency brand that I should consider?  Is there anyone out there who has gone from Maggie to another (dynamic) brand and hasn't regretted the move?  Thanks! 

Showing 1 response by gkr7007

I had 1.7i's and I like the effect of a dipole speaker.  I can't handle the sound of boxed speakers any longer.  Since you already are used to the sound of a dipole, you may consider the Spatial Audio line up.  I went to a pair of X5's earlier this year and never looked back. It does everything the Maggie's do, plus adds tight bass and dynamics.  Much more efficient than hard to drive Maggie's and Spatial love tube amps.  The M series Sapphires are a great speaker too, and may fit better into your budget.