Maggies MGII's - Questions, thoughts

Hello All;

I've been caught up in the "must upgrade" fever for the last few weeks, mostly from just clicking back on this site after a few years of staying away.
I've had a few different components over the past few years, but the core has been the same for about 12-13 years, my MGII's, matching serial number's 104406. Factory referbed about 10 years ago, amongst the last to be done in Mn.
My question is this; I love the sound of them still. I have Quad 12L's, beautiful that I bought here, but I have my maggies back on. Is this my lack of "ear"? Am I just so stuck that I'm not hearing the beauty of whats new? I have a Jolida 102b, pro-ject rm4, ATF5 cart, music hall cd-25, kimber tc4. What should I audition/buy? or just let it play?
Hi, have the 2A's. Love them. I don't need the wall shaking bass anymore. Plus the wife likes them, so that is half the battle. Enjoy what you have.
I had MGIIBs powered by a Cary SLA70 Sig, one of the best combos that I ever had!
I owned the MG IIa's from 1978 to 1987 when I went to the MG IIIa's. Used the MGIIIa's until 2004 when I went to 3.6's.

I liked the midrange on the IIa's better than the IIIa's ( they were also more coherent), but they do not go as low or high as the IIIa's.

Since yours were rebuilt, they should be great, and last a long time. They still hold up well to the current models, if you do not need deep bass. I suggest keeping them!