
I have always been a box speaker person with top of the line Harbeths being my preference. Recently, I had occassion to a super! great deal on a pair of Magnepan 20.1's with the Cherry rails. Now, I've never heard a Magneplanar speaker so didn't know what to expect. I went to the sellers home fully expecting to be disapointed but wow, they sounded great. Anyway, it was too good a deal to pass up and now, they are in my home....I must add that the WAF ain't all that great because these things are monsters. NOW, I have the task of properly powering these speaks. I have them hooked up to a single Cary CAD200 amp thats doing 350W a channel and WOW but feel more power could be better so I'm searching for a best fit mono or single amp that will do these justice. A little hard for me because I'm a tube amp person and the tubes I've got just ain't gonna cut it with 4 ohms. Any suggestions would be sincerely appreciated.


Showing 2 responses by recordho

I'd look at a Moscode 600 or the latest 400 series Moscode amp. These work wonderfully with Maggies with little fuss and you still get the benefit of tube sound.
My other reccomendation would be Bryston. Some of the best sounding solid state I've ever heard. No solid state nasties on the mid or top end.