Maggie1.6 bi-wire or single?

I have a pair of Maggie 1.6's and they are now bi-wired with Alpha Core MI2 Veracity and soon I will have a single run of Acoustic Zen Satori. Ever since I read an article where the reviewer prefered a single run to "mantain the coherance" I have always wondered if this is noticable. I am leaning toward the single run as I would like to preserve this quality if indeed it is true.

What do you Audiogoners prefer single or bi-wire?

thanks in advance,

Showing 1 response by audiokinesis


In my experience, bi-wiring is better than a single run of the same wire.

However, I find that a single run of a significantly better wire will sound better and be more bang for your buck than bi-wiring.

So in most cases I would advise upgrading to a better single run wire over bi-wiring with your present wire.

By the way I don't sell Acoustic Zen, but that's damn good stuff.
