Maggie's and cats

I am thinking of taking the plunge on a pair of Maggie 1.6's for my second system (surround system). They seem like the best sound I can get for the money. I have two great reservations however named Heebee and Geebee.......... my two cats. I had the speakers home for a couple of days for audition with no troubles, but can just imagine walking in the door one night to find they have been turned into a huge jungle gym/scratch post by my two manx'. Is anyone out there in a similar situation? Has anyone found any solutions to the problem. Up until now I had not even considered these speakers for this very reason; thing is I really like the sound (and value).


Showing 1 response by timf

A lot has to do with how old your cats are & how you discipline them. I have no doubt that you know these cats well, and if some part of you suspects they will use your speakers to sharpen their claws then you can have some confidence in your ability to predict their behavior. Of course, making your system unaccessible would seem to be the best solution- the less negative attention given to these cats via your speakers the better. The less verbal interaction the better. I agree that the spray bottle- water, with or without added odor, is the best solution. The effectiveness of this really has to do with how dilligent you are, how consistant, because this is how they will make the association between the unpleasant sensation and your speakers. If you can manage to make yourself neutral in all this then the effectiveness is all the more. Even saying "no" may make this a source of attention and confuse the issue.
I used this approach with my cat. She was all over my speakers to begin with, but over a period of time she learned to stay off them. At this point I do not even have to watch her. Now, she will come and sit with me when I listen to music. She loves the attention she gets and I like her company.