Maggie's and cats

I am thinking of taking the plunge on a pair of Maggie 1.6's for my second system (surround system). They seem like the best sound I can get for the money. I have two great reservations however named Heebee and Geebee.......... my two cats. I had the speakers home for a couple of days for audition with no troubles, but can just imagine walking in the door one night to find they have been turned into a huge jungle gym/scratch post by my two manx'. Is anyone out there in a similar situation? Has anyone found any solutions to the problem. Up until now I had not even considered these speakers for this very reason; thing is I really like the sound (and value).


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I have VR4 GenIII's, which are covered in cloth & look like giant scratching posts. I was a bit concerned that the cat would tear them up, so when I hooked them up for the first time I cranked the system up to almost max volume & left them like that for 100 hrs.

It's been over two years & the cat has never touched them that I've noticed, although being a cat, probably scratched them once just to prove she could.