Maggie MMG

I heard these at someones office and couldn't believe what I was hearing. I've heard some decent speakers but for the price, holy cow! I swear the stage was as wide as the room and the musicians were right there. I'm considering a pair but here's the deal. I didn't listen for long and it was classical. While I do listen to a bit of classical and most all genres, I'm mostly a rock & roll guy. Do these do well with Rock? I have a decent DefTech sub I can pair them with. I like to crank it up at times as well.
So what do you guys think abuot this? Should I move on or might these do the trick?
Thanks for your input.

Showing 1 response by jult52

I'll concur with Pckiing about MMGs and rock. I think they are better suited for rock than classical (which is what I listen to). One of their weaknesses is underplaying dynamic contrasts. Well, rock music mixing keeps most songs at a pretty flat dynamic level. The bass is also boosted too high on many rock songs. Rock plays to MMGs strengths, contrary to the cw.

I was also blown away by the MMGs when I got them; it seems you had a similar reaction. I was listening to them yesterday and continue to just love the sound. Get them and be happy.