Maggie 1.6QR versus "high-end" monitors.

This month's Absolute Sound placed Maggie 1.6QR in its "recommended system" column. This speaker has been on the market for a couple of years and I continually see good reviews from Audiogon members. Do these speakers produce much bass at 40Hz?? and can a high power high current amp of say 200RMS make a difference in the bass performance?? How does this speaker compare to comparably priced monitors??

Showing 1 response by surfdog

Maggies are VERY demanding speakers, if you want to get
the best out of them (room layout, positioning, WAF, etc.).

Now, having said that... If you are willing to work with them, and you like female vocals, acoustics, jazz, small orchestral works, they have the POTENTIAL to be SCARY good on good recordings (they do not like poorly recorded, bright rock). In this environment, they simply Blow Away comparibly priced monitors... Like I said, SCARY Good. 200 WPC is plenty. IMO, a sub is necessary. Visit the planar forum at Good info, great folks.