Maggie 1.6 vs Von Schweikert VR 4

Currently running 1.6s w/out sub. Just curious, What would I be losing/gaining by switching to VS? I have my own opinions, but haven't heard a pair of VSs. I have just heard wonderful things about them. I love rock and roll, jazz, and vocals. Obviously, I am a Maggie fan, but I am missing the low bass on the 1.6s. Maybe a sub is the better option? I currently run:
Bryston 4BSST
DeHavilland Ultra Verve w/upgraded caps
Shanling CDT 100 w/ upgraded tubes - JPS digital ac
All remaining cords are Audience Au24s - Richard Gray
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Showing 1 response by gmood1

The maggies will always be some of my all time favorite speakers. Not much to add to what has been already said.
Planars have an addictive sound that's just not duplicated by any other speaker. I gave my first pair to my father.Went back to cones...that didn't last but a couple of months.LOL

Turned right around and bought another pair. Enjoyed the hell out of them.Reason I sold them was because of the space issue in the room and power requirements to get the best out of them.The Eminent Techs are also great at this with more impact. You need a boat anchor with power to get them sounding as they should though.

So far the only other speakers I could live with besides planars have been single driver cone speakers. They image just as well..images aren't as large though.The power requirements aren't much.Unfortunely most still need a sub to really get good low freq extention. They don't have that boxey sound and maybe a few pegs more transparent than the maggies.

Honestly there's no real replacement for a planar except another planar.LOL

Have fun!