Maggie 1.6's and Power. How much is enough?

I have a great offer on a pr. of Maggie 1.6's but only have a Marantz SR 19 receiver ( 120watts x 5). Is this going to be way to small for these speakers. It will be for H/T in a smaller room. Thanks for any Idea's!!

Showing 1 response by hifiman

All of the is true.Mine are run on an Adcom 200wpc in a 13x19' room w/ 2 open doorways.With the preamp at the 25% level it sounds great-all over the house ! You will need
the Maggie center speaker which is 35" wide. It fits on my
Sony 36BR but the Maggies have to be over 18" away from it.
Major space problems but definitly worth the it for the
sound. MMG's work well for rear spkrs.You'll find out soon
if you need more amp power and seating concerns- sweet spot
etc.Once spoiled, its hard to go back to box speakers.