Maggie 1.6 - Best Amp? Thinking about tubes.

Shanling CDT -100
Siltech Classic interconnects
Kimber Bi-focal X cables
Richard Gray
Bryston 4B-SST
Run directly into Amp.
Female vocals, jazz, rock n roll
Ag insider logo xs@2xbrett11

Showing 3 responses by sbank

Solid state for tube lovers? Perhaps a Pass Labs single ended amp or a Sunfire amp(those have two sets of outputs; one of them has a tubey flavor to it), these are worth checking out, if you don't want to a pair of room heaters. Sounds like the consensus is that a smaller tube amp won't get the job done.

Siliab, I like your suggestion. The RM-200 is a powerful beast. Good value, too.

You're going to need something pretty beefy, they're not an easy load.
Saw a pair of VTL 225s advertised here yesterday, that would be a sweet match.
BAT or Audio Research monoblocks would also be great.

It all depends on your budget. Many solid state options will work for less money. I love tubes, and prefer them in most cases, but it will cost you. How much are you thinking of spending?