Madrigal Carnegie

Yes, I still have one of them.  But maybe not for too much longer.  I've made some changes to my system and unsurprisingly, it sounds different.  But not all good differences.  I'm questioning whether the Carnegie has died of old age.

I didn't play it a lot, not enough to wear the stylus down.  So my question is focused on whether there are components in it that can deteriorate simply by age.  I think I recall reading many years ago that there are, although I don't remember specifically what.

So: can a MC cartridge die of old age and not from exhaustion?


Showing 1 response by solypsa

MC cartridge suspension can 'age out' or become out of spec.

The good news is that it is a rare MC cart that cannot be rebuilt. If this is 'worth it' is a different more personal question ;)