Made in USA

I love to support USA products as much as I can. Even if it costs more. Id say 2nd choice Europe or Japan. Last place China.

So USA made HiFi products I have are... Magnepan, Odyssey, Geshelli, Rythmik, Schitt, Bluejean, Belden, Analog Productions( vinyl). Musichall & Monitor Audio (UK), Nagaoka, Magomi(Japan), 

Other USA made HiFi I know of.. Kilpsch (high end speakers), Jeff Rowland, P.S. Audio, Emotiva?

Im sure there are more. Please continue list and lets support our own.


Showing 4 responses by thespeakerdude

No manufacturer builds in China because they want to (unless they are Chinese). They build there because they have to to be cost competitive. Low wages certainly has a lot to do with that. Lax controls over everything but your politics also contributes to that. Lower ethical standards does as well which is where quality issues arise from.

Let be realistic, it is not an equal partnership. They can buy our companies, we can't but there's. Tiktok is still here. Google, Facebook are still blocked. Unofficial state support for companies is significant.

People talk about the "benefit" that low wages in China has had on the buying power of Americans. That statement may be true for the people on this forum, but the average IQ is 100, and everyone under that needs to earn a living too and is still American (or European, or Canadian, etc.).  If we want to be modelling ourselves, we should at least look to Korea who has at least maintained a good amount of manufacturing.

Saying this is not Xenophobic, or racist, etc. Facts can't be racist. China is not just a financial competitor but an ideological competitor and their idea of how humans should be governed is not how most of us feel. That does not mean we could not learn something from them. I would like to see a whole lot more meritocracy when it comes to picking who our political leaders are. China has a 5 year plan. Ours can't seem to play out more than 6 months.  Our parties seem more interested in empire building for themselves than running effective government.

So yes, I do buy American, Canadian, Mexican, European, Japanese, Korean, Taiwan when I can. It is often not a choice for me. Don't blame the factory worker for not being willing to work for $4.00/hour for that. It all starts with politicians.

Wow, @vladtheimpala, any thoughts you would like to share on Russia as well?

Your show posts is based on a false premise,

"seething anti-Chinese mob"

I see nothing of the sort. I do see anti-China, which is much different. I don't see anyone hating on Taiwanese people and they are Chinese. Same with more in Singapore.

Vancouver, isn't that where the Canadian Government just recently said there was a concerted effort by foreign powers (China) to attack a federal election candidate, likely to the point of losing when they would have won?  Unfortunately, actions like that, as well as initial Covid coverup, and the massive racial shift in the makeup up the area based on the inflow of money (and people) from Hong Kong and China can lead to people lashing out at others via association as opposed to who they should be mad at, their government. Being forced out of an area after generations have built it up due to government allowed policies can make people angry. I am sure your government has taken total responsibility? (I am assuming you are Canadian). Feel quick to call me racist, but that issue is no different from uncontrolled gentrification which has hurt minority communities hard. Is that okay?  No more okay what "Americans" or "Canadians" buying up all best properties in a 3rd world country.

On the aspect of competition, is it possible for someone to live in Canada (or America) at the wage paid to the average worker in China? What about the overhead for employment standards, safety, environment? What about even overhead for what we consider reasonable infrastructure?   Level the playing field, and things become more competitive. Look at Japan now.



Ask how people in Nepal feel. Hong Kong. How do people in Taiwan feel when under threat. We have nothing like the Uyghurs in the last 100 years of history. How about the forced displacement of Uyghurs with a planned influx of Han. How about their claims to virtually everything in the South China sea .. ask how Philippines, Japan, Vietnam, Cambodia feel about that.

I think you will find a lot of high end American audio products also lack any safety testing like UL or equivalent.