Made in USA

I love to support USA products as much as I can. Even if it costs more. Id say 2nd choice Europe or Japan. Last place China.

So USA made HiFi products I have are... Magnepan, Odyssey, Geshelli, Rythmik, Schitt, Bluejean, Belden, Analog Productions( vinyl). Musichall & Monitor Audio (UK), Nagaoka, Magomi(Japan), 

Other USA made HiFi I know of.. Kilpsch (high end speakers), Jeff Rowland, P.S. Audio, Emotiva?

Im sure there are more. Please continue list and lets support our own.


Showing 9 responses by elliottbnewcombjr

Huge topic, I’ll chime in, not going to argue after this, just a point of view.

I take the long view: One World.

The history of Nationalism ain’t good.

Tarrifs!!!!!! Protect OUR businesses!

How things change.

Age 6, 1954, We all had cheap toys, the kind with thin soft metal parts with slots and tabs. You assembled the toy by putting the tabs thru the slots and bending the metal over to keep it in the slot. Eventually you had a car, truck, star, whatever.

A small gang of young men walked by one day and said: Those toys are made by the enemy! 6 yrs old, huh?

1959, impressionable age 11, living in McClean VA., lots of military lived in towns near Wash. DC. Any time a Volkswagen drove by, someone a bit older would mutter, made by the enemy! Or, someone my age, having been influenced by their parents.

And now, many prefer made in Japan and made in Germany to made China.

Read the long history of China, Hawaii, Cuba, Vietnam, Panama, Philippines ...., Religious Zealots, Sugar, Bananas, Coaling Stations, Sponsorship of Coups,

You might consider the inter-relationships of European Monarchs to the Organization of the Mafia. And European Wars to Mafia Wars.

What England and USA did to China in the Opium Wars, in the name of: you guessed it: Markets for our goods!

At that time, who were the enemy of the Chinese? They sure trade with the enemy!

Who created North/South Korea? North/South Vietnam?

How were so many country’s future FOREVER changed by our actions?

Who got the Chinese population off opium?

Not a debate, just a point of view, I'll say no more.



OK, glad I thought so. 

did you ever read 'People's History ...? It's a real eye opener.


"The west has an exceptional historical track record of treating its labor force equitably."


read Howard Zinn’s ’Peoples History of the United States’.



It relates to the concept of thinking 'we' are good/better/best, and 'they' are not, so don't buy their stuff! Time, past, different times/eras of development ought to be considered/remembered. Which is why I mentioned 'People's History'. 

To criticize Zinn is changing the narrative. 

History is written by the Victors. His People's History simply illuminates examples of what the Victors have done along the way to become and stay Victors. I could care less what his agenda is, he collected information I am glad I became aware of.

He Lies!!!

Uncle Tom's Cabin (how many have actually read it?) combined with the timing of the Fugutive Slave Act was far more important than I ever understood. Of course the Southerners said she lied, made things up, we don't do those things ....After a few years she issued a separate book with complete documentation of everything in her book. If you ever wondered how religion could support slavery, reading that book gives you those answers.


I am very thankful that I found and read it. 

I am glad I was born here, have evolved into ’Democratic Socialist’ (how perfectly frightening to so many).

I believe in being truthful and remembering our past, the long term effects to others from our actions, and it’s ever current repercussions.

i.e. 'Black Lives Matter' How in God's name does this need to be said?

Sadly most people do not read at all. This is the single book I recommend to people who don’t read (any or a lot) but want to understand how in the hell can we remain so damn racist.




War against increasing the minimum wage! Who benefits from that?

avg family in usa is 3 persons nat’l min wage is $9.50. 40 hr week, that’s $18k for family of 3. IF minimum wage was increased ALL THE WAY UP to $15., that’s $31k avg income in america is just below $75k.

We benefit from the rich?

"Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right



"manifest destiny"

I decided not to post this, thanks for the lead in

"A Country of Vast Designs: James K. Polk, the Mexican War and the Conquest of the American Continent" (Simon & Schuster America Collection)

by Robert W. Merry

Those GD Mexicans, coming into OUR Country!


Does Mexico make any audio equipment?

I'll bet a lot of mexicans do make audio equipment, her in the USA!.



thanks, I checked out Margules web site.

Nice to know about them, several unique ideas.