Made In China

There seems to be a lot of varying opinion when it comes to China and the products that are made there. I personally know of an audio store in my home town that made the decision to no longer carry products with manufacturing ties in China. Maybe that’s why they have such a limited show room? Recently, I purchased a Cayin RU2 portable DAC and headphone dongle that‘s made in China. It’s the only audio product that I own that’s solely manufactured by a Chinese company and so far I have no complaints. Of course, my Apple products were likely made in China and I like those a lot. And if I’m correct (and I’m likely incorrect), Denafrips and Schiit Audio products are assembled in China but I’m uncertain where those companies are located. So I’m just wondering about audio products from Asia that offer high end build and sound quality. I would assume that most products from China, Korea, Japan, etc… offer a high value for the dollar? Anyway, please feel free to share your opinion and knowledge on this topic as I’m wanting to learn more about what‘s out made and engineered in that part of the world.



Showing 12 responses by mahgister

I think you are right on the spot...

Krall will help us all ...😊

Great map ... Thanks

You are so right...

Even an ex Chinese exile woman interviewed by Tucker Carlson from the CCP living here in the US recognized with fears the ideology of our so called "free and better society " as pure propaganda by many social aspects ... Canada under Trudeau is becoming a jail under surveillance as CCP modelled it in China right now ...

the WHO unelected privately controlled institution proposition for the censorship about any matter of Health or politics is evident proof..

it is useless to boycott a selected country agression and not all the others countries who do the same agressions in their own way..

Selected boycott is only propaganda..

truth inhabit the heart of some people around the world  not the  politics of a country presented as a model ...


"It’s about being from a communist country. We have issues supporting them."

The definition of a "communist country" is becoming a little more vague these days. Some highly educated individuals in "democratic societies" wear it as a badge of honor.

Just sayin’




You take a fact i gave out of his context...

Read my posts context...

I compared a country number of planet earth bases and conflicts numbers out of his historical borders with another country number of bases and conflicts out of his historical borders...

I never suggested that a war is right invading another country...On this count Us beat Russia by the number of wars in all countries around earth ...

It is you who takes propaganda as fact and appeal to censor my post...

Facts are facts.

And i did not begin the propaganda lies here...

I only propose facts to counter them...

back to audio... You are right about this... 😊


@mahgister you seem to know very little about Russia’s history. But let’s move on. By your logic, anyone can use the historical border argument. The World would be a bloodbath in a split second. Historical borders were arguments used in devastating world wars. I would recommend you look at maps from a few hundred years ago.

Ukraine is part of Russia history and historical borders... And an historical fact is not a defense of agression it is only an historical fact ...

Second: Us had 750 known military bases around earth...Russia own 20 bases mostly all in the borders of the ex Soviet union...then Russia has no bases all around the earth..

What is threatening between two countries , the one owning bases all around a planet or the other who did not ?

These are FACTS... Not propaganda as is your appeal to censorship...


Are we not in a free country here ?

@mahgister Russia not "owning any military bases out of their historical borders"

other than an entire army in another country, bombing cities and villages, killing and and raping and torturing civilians and shipping babies and children into brainwashing camps. Small nuance. I thought you were somewhat reasonable.

What does it take the admin to remove this wildly politicized post?



We win the second world war among many factors at play for two economic understated reasons here in North American comic books and movies about Hitler :

First the price in combats numbers and battles in men : here Us had no right to compare to Russia loss ... 420,000 deaths compared to the huge Russia sacrifice fixing Most Hitler forces on the ice of Russia: 27 millions of death.


Without Russia no way US can win against european nazified industry...

It takes and it is my second point the huge 1000 boats of the merchant fleet of Norvegian navy transport for England survival to annihilate the Hitler conquest by alimenting England as a fortified island.. The russians and the Norvegian fleet did the hard job..

wikipedia : «Without the Norwegian merchant fleet, Britain and the allies would have lost the war".[1


I recommended to buy Norvegian and Russian audio products. 😁None of these countries being Nazis or communist right now. None owning any military bases out of their historical borders.

By the way Norvegians refused to comply and do not delivered jews and saved 90 % of their jew population... America refuse to host most jews demanding asylum...

Truth matters...

We all love our country but blind nationalism is only propaganda...


It is like in audio many people takes the truth in reverse mode :

It is acoustics and psychoacoustics science that rule gear design quality and it is acoustics then the main knowledge to reach audiophile experience not  merely an upgrade of amplifier or speaker in itself most of the times.

The only exception will be to go from very low cost speakers as my 100 bucks one to my past Tannoy dual Gold concentric for example ... but  i modified my little speakers low cost they almost  compete with the Tannoy if we put them in a living room instead of a dedicated acoustic room...


Each time i spoke to a narrow mind short of arguments in the last 8 years since i am here , when he does not know what to answer because the emperor clothes are revealed he attack me through this well chosen avatar ...

I pick this avatar for two reasons, i like this russian poet and singer , mythical persona in his country, and i picked it knowing that narrow mind as bull on a red flag will attack ...Then i can recognize the type of person with whom i spoke for who he is... Only children or narrow rageful mind will mock someone about his avatar as a last resort...



Stay in audio...

I will stay on this matter too ...


LOL, I’m comical. Your avatar says it all.




You are comical...

You speak half truths and we must stay silent ?

i Just give you the other side of the coin...

Take it eat it and keep it ...

Now back to audio matter...


Do not confuse moderation with suggestion...

And to your sarcastic political post i gave another sarcastic political answer... my answer is as true as what you said by the way ... This means there is no valid reason to boycott china or US... Or we must boycott the two together ... 😁

Are you the only one who had the right to spoke political facts ? China kill uyghurs , true, but Us kiilled how many people in all wars think Vietnam and Iraq and all South American one etc ...

Read my posts and try to emulate my quality of posts before attacking me because to your brainwashing post i oppose another one ( perhaps truer )...

I like discussion , i never spoke english then my writing is heavy and lenghty but  i  propose some information ...

Are you a moderator? If not, it is not your place to moderate the threads here. 12,000 posts, a triumph of quantity over quality.



I prefer American products. The remembrances of at least 251 military interventions between 1991 and 2022 in no way affect the quality of the US audio product. And all governements change around the world and killings since 1945 is only for the greater good , no ?

Am i brainwash?😁

As i said it is better for the thread to stay on audio...😊

It’s just like my shoes. I have tried to wear shoes from other locales, but only Chinese made shoes are really soft and pliable. The tears of Chinese children really soak in and make the leather fantastic, and their little hands make the finest stitching. No more American junk for me.

If we ban products to protest murders and slavery in all its form a few other countries must be put on trials... Guess which few of them we must add right now at the head of the list ?


Sad but true.

Perhaps it will be better to stay on audio matter about audio matter ?


I own 4 low cost fantastic chinese products...

One from japan...

Two from germany ...

One from France...

No defects and complaints...

I enjoy audiophile experience with out of the head soundfield headphone...

I enjoy with the limitation of a small set of speakers almost audiophile sound with pin point imaging a soundstage englobing my position and even clear 50 hertz bass ......

i dont need anything more...😊

To really crush my system not a sidegrade will cost me instead of 1000 bucks , 15 times more (+ BACCH filters)... I am not frustrated because i enjoy the minimal acoustical satisfaction threshold as it is now ...