Too many maybes. Your first premise is likely the correct one. My wife here in Canada works for a well known outfit that converts full size vans into motorhomes. This company has been on a downward spiral for the last ten years due to exactly the same thing. One hand doesn't know what the other is doing. The problem is, neither does it seem to care. However in this case the workers are to blame! Consequently so is upper management. Production is down so they hire 50 workers from a plant that just went under for the same reason and guess what happened? Production actually went down. Why? Because in that 50, they also hired the management team! Upper management appears for a weekly pep talk but doesn't want to hear the details or complaints. That's up to, you got it, the management team who consistently turns a blind eye to inefficiencies in the plant. Otherwise they'd have to admit they've been incompetent letting it go for such a long time. The workers see very clearly what's going on and play along, save for a few. Everyone sees very clearly they're eventually going to be out of a job. Look what happened to General Motors. Not much difference there. Or in a lot of companies. It's not just about losing jobs overseas. New immigrants come in, see what's going on, and jump on it(but I'm referring to self employment here). Production is the number 1 goal elsewhere. The Federal government is well aware of the laxidaysical attitude of entitlement the unions have garnered and ingrained in the mentality of the labor force. Up here in Canada the immigration flood gates are wide open. It's no different south of us. So we have companies heading overseas while the Federal government tries desperately to stave off the inevitable by increasing immigration. But the immigrants ultimately end up adopting the status quo as soon as they learn the ropes. No one's gonna make a fool out of them. In the the end the population just keeps increasing along with the deficit.