Mac to DAC thats comparable to Linn CDP?

I have tried a few and they sound like crap compared to my old Linn Genki.

My wife has asked to set up a music server to get all the CDs out of the dining room.

I have a Dell Mini running OSX and itunes, USB out and also an external USB to SPDIF converter.

This is connected to a Linn Kolector and Aktiv bi-amped Ninkas with a 10" Sizmik subwoofer.

Compared to a CD in the Genki using lossless Apple format, the (inexpensive) USB DACs I have tried have a tiny sound stage, the bass is all fuzzy and the treble sounds like glass breaking inside my ear.

I searched up all these posts where people say this or that DAC sounds good with the computer, but do they mean 'good for a computer'?

My question is, can I get acceptable sound out of the computer or is this a lost cause? If I can get decent sound this way, what is my wallet looking at, and how can I figure out how to pick a DAC from the hundreds that are available.


Showing 3 responses by ophitoxaemia

Tried a Behringer DAC I borrowed from a coworker, and more expensive one he bought (about $100) which I don't recall the brand, and the DAC in the Blue Circle Thingee which is the USB to SPDIF convertor I mentioned. That's apparently some garden variety chip.

I wasn't expecting any of these to sound like my CD player, but I expected something tolerable, and cheap, for streaming. I sort of expected that advances in electronics would have eclipsed my CD player even at cheaper prices.

I've also considered that maybe I am just used to the flaws in my Linn system and a different sound is jarring. All this streaming music sounds fine on the $200 computer speakers.

So if I can't get away with a cheap solution, it had better be good, or the CD's stay in the dining room! :) thanks,

Thanks for all the replies.

I am running OSX on my Dell Mini 9, which is connected to my Linn system. No Firewire or optical. The music is served off a Mac Mini in another room.

I see now that Linn made a DAC called the Numerik.

Off to do some more research! Thanks,
Linn DS: I like this idea, but I've read the interfaces aren't good compared to, say the Transporter, and I believe it. With millions of tracks available through the box, I have to say the interface becomes more important than with a CD player.

Does anyone know if you can control a Linn DS from a IPhone/IPod touch like, for example, the Sonus box? I saw this at a friends house and was very impressed with the utility. I was very not impressed with the sound quality, although the owner was very satisfied.