Mac to DAC thats comparable to Linn CDP?

I have tried a few and they sound like crap compared to my old Linn Genki.

My wife has asked to set up a music server to get all the CDs out of the dining room.

I have a Dell Mini running OSX and itunes, USB out and also an external USB to SPDIF converter.

This is connected to a Linn Kolector and Aktiv bi-amped Ninkas with a 10" Sizmik subwoofer.

Compared to a CD in the Genki using lossless Apple format, the (inexpensive) USB DACs I have tried have a tiny sound stage, the bass is all fuzzy and the treble sounds like glass breaking inside my ear.

I searched up all these posts where people say this or that DAC sounds good with the computer, but do they mean 'good for a computer'?

My question is, can I get acceptable sound out of the computer or is this a lost cause? If I can get decent sound this way, what is my wallet looking at, and how can I figure out how to pick a DAC from the hundreds that are available.


Showing 2 responses by mb9061

I've had a Musiland MD-10 that sounds about like you're describing (poor).

Then I went to a Benchmark DAC1 USB (Incredibly detailed and much better, although bright).

Then a Bel Canto DAC3 (similiar to the DAC1 as far as being incredibly resolving, still a bit bright)

Then an Empirical Audio Turbo-3 paired with an MHDT Havana NOS tube DAC (much smoother and much more musical).

Now I'm trying a Redwine Audio Isabellina.

So yes, it can be done. Just buy better gear since you get what you pay for (up to a point anyways).
if you look into the MHDT DACs, you also might want to look into a USB converter of at least some sort. The MHDT DACs sound great, but they sound much better with a clean digital signal that is reclocked by a capable USB converter.

Examples are -
Bel Canto's 24/96 USB converter (usually go used for $300-400)
Empirical Audio's Turbo-2 or Turbo-3 (they can go anywhere from $400 - $800 used)
Sonicweld's new converter. This one just came out recently, not sure of the reviews on it and it's as pricey as empirical audio's stuff.

Full disclosure - I may end up listing my Turbo-3 and MHDT Havana in the upcoming weeks if I stick with the Isabellina. So please don't take my suggestions as a sales pitch.