Mac Mini vs WDTV as a Music Server ??

Has anyone tried both the WDTV Live and the Mac Mini as a music server?

The WDTV is super cheap, simple, and easy to use without requiring
all the "computer admin" efforts of the Mac Mini route.

With a Mac Mini one would use an external USB DAC. With the
Western Digital TV live one would use Toslink to an external DAC.

Has anyone tried both of these out and could discuss the PROS/CONS of
the WDTV vs the Mac Mini? Would the sound quality be better with a
Mac Mini?

Showing 1 response by rlwainwright

I have a WDTV and I do like the unit. However, it does not support nearly as many sound formats as I'd like. FOr the money, it's a nice piece. But overall I have to think the Mac Mini would be a better piece...
